Let’s Start Now!
Due to the covid-19 pandemic and ongoing repairs at Villa De Sales, our farm and showroom are currently not open to the public. Please shop our online store or call for availability of other products.
22410 Aquasco Road
Aquasco, Maryland 20608
Phone: 301-888-CRIA (2742)
Please contact Angel if you have any questions about raising alpacas and llamas as a business, as pets, or as fiber animals to augment a textile business. If you are interested in purchasing any of our most unique alpaca textiles, please call Angel at 301-888-2742 or use the contact form at right.
Our textile store is open strictly by appointment only.
For Parents with children:
Villa de Alpacas is a working farm with live animals and farming equipment that can pose extreme hazards to children. Therefore in the interest of safety, each child under the age of 15 must be accompanied and supervised by a parent, legal guardian, or adult age 18 or older AT ALL TIMES when visiting our farm, alpaca store, or millwork shop. Parents are liable for any damage to property, displays, or items for sale.
Note: Do not submit credit card or information in the below Contact Form. It IS safe to submit that information within the shopping cart portion of our web site. Thank you!
Villa de Alpacas is a proud and generous supporter of the ASPCA
All of our animals are important members of our family and treated with the utmost respect and love. We do our absolute best to give every animal on our farm the best medical care, husbandry, and emotional support. Yet, unfortunately, we know that there are many other animals that do not get the same type of attention which they greatly deserve. Please support the ASPCA!